245 pages in length with pictures in every article
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Tracing your Roots in Greene County, Volume Two
Articles in the Book:
Who do you think you are?
The Curious Case of Polly Betsey
Researching your Revolutionary War
The Tanner, the Robber Baron and
the Golden Spike
The Hunt for John Lennon
The Bill Torrey House in Durham
Emery R. Palmer’s Autograph Book
Blossom Dearie, Cult Chanteuse and
East Durham Native
Cemetery Preservation in Greene
Elisha Blackmar, South Cairo
The Power of the Census
Cairo Archival Day
The Legacy of Augustine Prevost
Sir Henry Seton’s Patent, Town of
The Prohibition Era in Greene
Legs Diamond, Gangster, Bootlegger
and Local Robin Hood
Speakeasies, Keeping it Wet during
the Prohibition
John Case, Dry Goods Merchant from
the Town of Cairo
Living in the 1920’s in the Town of
Belonging to a Social Organization
Who was Who in the Towns of Durham
and Greenville in 1850
Getting the Mail
Edwin Drake, Greenville Oil Pioneer
William Bullock, Inventor of the
Web Rotary Printing Press
Uncle Sam’s Connection to Catskill
Greene County’s First Newspaper
Charles Herbert Moore, Artistic
Pioneer and Former Catskillian
Daniel Sayre, Cairo Shoemaker,
Deacon and First Town Supervisor
Smallpox Inoculations in Early
Oak Hill Cemetery
Benjamin Howland and the Steam
Woolen Company in Catskill
The Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.)
The Know Nothing Party
The M.H. Merchant Stone House,
Jeremiah Gurney, New Baltimore
Native and America’s First Photographer
Edith Howland, Catskill Resident
and Early American Sculptress
Benny Richman, Cairo Stonemason and
Local Legend
J.W. Mulberry and Oak Hill’s
Bottling Works
Revolutionary War Pension
Legislation NY - Searching for your Patriot Ancestor
The Bavarian Manor, a Purling
Destination for over 145 Years
Masonry in Cairo
Dwight D. Baldwin, from Durham to
The Butlers of Brandy Hill
James Bogardus, the Father of the
Edward Nicholas Van Loan, Captain
of the Dutchess
Sheldon Sears Shufelt, California
James Reid and his Catskill
The Holland Land Company
Castle Garden and Ellis Island, the
Gateways to America
Edward Augustus Keith, Letters from
the Civil War Battlefield
Table of Contents